Thursday, August 26, 2010


Space is a big world. There are lots of Galaxy's, moons and planets. The Galaxy we are living in right now is called the Milky Way and there 8 planets. The names of them are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Pluto was reassigned as a dwarf planet in 2006 so it is not a planet anymore. Our home planet is Earth and Earth has 1 planet which some people call Luna. Jupiter is our biggest planet, and has 63 discovered moons which is a lot and Jupiter is also a gas planet. I hope you have learnt a lot in this post!


Space has lots of different planets.
The Favourite planet is Uranus!!! no not truly there is a planet named that. 

Dinosaurs and Space

We hope this website will help you learn more about dinosaurs and space like it does to us.

Please feed our pets for the fish just click the water and for the other pets just click the MORE button and take the food.  


Names of some dinosaurs

Theropods, Strythiomimus, Oviraptor, Anchisaurs, Tenontosaurs, Proauropods, Drysaurs. Ornithopods, Psittacosaurs, Hypsilophodon, Dromiceiomimus, Ceratopsians, Heterodontosaurus, Lesothosaurs, Scutellosaurus, Coelophysis, Segisaurus, Compsoghthus, Ornitholestes, Deinonychus, Avimimus, Velocraptor, Dromaeosaurs, Trodon, Saurornithoites, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Iguanadon, Allosaurus, Brontosaurus and Apatosaurus.

I hope these names will help you.

More Facts

Why do some of them have saur on the end there name???
They have it on the end of their name because it means lizard and at first scientist thought they were lizard!!!!

My favourite dinosaurs are : Iguanadon And Brachiosaurs.

The youngest Known dinosaur is said to have 70 million years ago.

Amazing Facts

The Oldest known dinosaur: Is the Herrarasaurus it is said to be 230 million years old.
Dinosaurs of New Zealand: Most lived in Port Waikato,  Hawkes Bay And Chatham Islands.
Can you imagine dinosaurs roaming around our Forrest's ? well they did.

What five names mean?

Names:                                                          What they mean:
1. Tyrannosaurs Rex.                                  1. King of the tyrant reptiles.
2. Iguanadon.                                               2. Iguana tooth.
3. Allosaurs.                                                 3. Strange lizard.
4. Brontosaurs.                                            4. Thunder beast.
5. Apatosaurs.                                              5. Deceptive lizard.


Hi Guys if you want to know about dinosaurs this is the right website to be on!!!!


I know this inquiry is about dinosaurs but you have to admit that Kelly, Turby, Bandit and Tiggy are adorable so we had to get them but if there was a dinosaur we would of got it but their wasnt one.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


We hope you enjoy our blog!!!

Dinosaur Myths

Why dinosaurs died out.
Here are some reasons dinosaurs died out:
1. Some say it was a severe ice age.
2. Some say it was a volcanic activity.
3. Some believe it was a disease.
4. Some say an asteroid hit the earth.

What myth do you believe?